Air Dry Clay Play

Again a long time since I've had anything to put on here, but I've been playing with air dry clay... but it's so expensive in the UK so I've had a go at making my own... and had a little bit of fun :-) Shop bought clay - this started as an owl but I changed my mind as I went along and made an cat LOL! Then I made a couple of batches of cold porcelain (I won't tell about the previous attempt at a no cook recipe!) and the first batch was way too sticky but the second was a little better... I had a go at making a little owl on a branch, but without colouring the porcelain as I wasn't expecting much... ...but I really like it so wish it was coloured now! Lately I tried colouring the porcelain before I had a go at modelling, and for some reason I ended up with a clown - but he is kind of cute :-) Let me know what you think ;-) xXx