1st attempt: Plain weave

I am so pleased! The lovely Jenny has very kindly loaned me an inkle loom! I couldn't wait to get it set up - so I pulled out my cones of stranded cotton and starting warping the loom (wrapping the threads around it), but about halfway realised something didn't look right and I had soon realised I had been bringing the open / unheddled threads over the wrong peg.... so I started again! It went much quicker the 2nd time around. Last night I made a start and seemed to get into a good rhythm straight away.... but time had crept up on me and I had to put it away. This afternoon I took it off the loom, with 1m of band approx 3/4 inch wide. I really can't wait to order a loom now! Sara ¯\_(ツ)_/¯