Current "stock" / samples

I've had a good sort out tonight...

  •  I've transformed my work space to have a really useful strong bar across the back

  • The friendship wraps - including slighter smaller ones for younger children and standard ones for older children and adults. These will be £4 each
Standard friendship wraps £4

Small friendship wraps £4
  • The removable hair wraps, neatly organised into length order. I'm still debating the price of these... other examples I've seen are generally start at £5 for a 4 inch wrap and then 50p extra per inch of wrap. I am considering a bargain of £4 for a 6 inch wrap and then 50p per inch :-)
Removable hair wraps from £4

  • I'm still working on more samples of the wrap bangles, but they are suitable for younger children as they are fairly small (up to around age 10?), these will also be £4 each
Wrap bangles £4

So, now I just need to work on ideas for setting out some sort of display for the Christmas shopping evening at the kids' school... anyone got any tips or suggestions?



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