First weave...
This is my new loom all warped and ready to go! Thanks to Steve at Trenayne crafts - I ordered through ebay, but there is a website if you are interested. Half of the threads are wrapped around the top front peg and then a heddle is looped around them and the heddle peg (where the thick black ties are) - these are the heddled threads. The other half of the threads are wrapped around the top back peg- the unheddled / open threads. (Heddled / unheddled threads alternately). By lifting or pushing down the unheddled threads creates a space (shed) that you put your weft thread through. Again, alernately you lift the unheddled threads and pass the weft through, then push the unheddled threads down and pass the weft thread through again... Not having "proper" supples of cotton available, I used a mixture of different stranded cotton threads in a variety of colours, so that I could have the chance to practice... and I ended up with a double rainbow, but using different colours each...